Every year in October there is a tradition in Peru: The Procession of the Lord of Miracles. I just wanted to leave some thoughts about this multitudinous celebration.
- From a historic, cultural and traditional point of view, I love it! Peru is a country filled with different customs which enrich us as a nation.
- There are many people that complain because the procession of the Lord of Miracles implies the shutting off many avenues and streets, which cause many people to delay to go where they want. You know something, we have to learn to be more tolerant because we live in a society in which we all don't think differently, and tolerance has to be manifested many times accepting a little of discomfort.
- It breaks my heart to see how many people approach to Jesus thinking that they have to do some kind of sacrifice in order to be heard by God and to obtain the miracle they want. I've seen how many people of different ages walk barefoot or with their knees, thinking that their suffering will convince Jesus. I'd like to be able to tell everyone that Jesus's sacrifice is more than enough, that He did it because He loves them, and that they don't have to beg for their Heavenly Father's favor, but go to take it because it is already theirs thanks to what Jesus did.
- I don't like the fact that many evangelic christians attack the people that go to the procession telling them that they shouldn't worship images. I just don't know what they are expecting to obtain with that attitude and way of telling them; are they expecting them, maybe, to decide to be no longer catholic and start to be evangelic? If that is so, what a disastrous way to preach!
- Just is case, the miracles that took place there were made by Jesus. You read it right, by Jesus! They weren't made by the devil, if you thought so. The fact that they are mistaken in the way they approach to God does not imply that they approach to the devil. What it does implies is that they won't receive in the way God wanted them to receive. There are many times that surely you has received a blessing from you Heavenly Father not in the way He wanted you to receive it, and that was because you approached to Him in a wrong way. The people that assist to the procession are approaching God by the Law instead of by the Grace of Jesus, and by His Grace it'll always be easier!
- If you don't agree with their way to approach God and you don't love them in your heart, please do not try to convince them that what they're doing is against the Bible because you'll just end up creating barriers because of the bad way and attitude with which you will end up saying things. Remember, an indispensable ingredient to be heard by others is LOVE. If you don't have love for them, you are not qualified to teach them.
- If you are not agree with what they're doing, pray for them! In prayer, your Heavenly Father will give you, if it's His will, not only the right attitude to approach to them but also right way to do it.
I hope you've been blessed by it.
If so, don't forget to share! =)
- Halloween (ENGLISH version): Here I answer some argument on why we shouldn't hold a activity parallel to Halloween.
- "I am Corrupt, but not so much": Many complain about our authorities's corruption without realizing that that corruption started in ourselves.
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