There are many that maybe they don't say it, but from the bottom of their heart think that their heavenly Father didn't bless them. Many times, when the night comes, they say to themselves: "Well, I didn't see God moving for me today, He didn't bless me nor protect me. I just didn't feel Him today." I think that that thought is based on a misconception about what being blessed by God is.
Remember this: The fact that you didn't see that your heavenly Father has blessed you, it doesn't t mean He hasn't done it. The fact that you haven't seen your heavenly Father protecting you, it doesn't mean that He hasn't protected you. The fact that you haven't seen your heavenly Father helping you, it doesn't mean He hasn't helped you. The fact that you haven't felt your heavenly Father with you, it doesn't mean that He wasn't with you.
Even though you haven't felt Him, your heavenly Father TODAY has blessed you, helped you, protected you and was with you! He never ceases working for us, never rests, never sleeps. He thinks about us all the time.
Elisha's servant was worried because an army came for him and for Elisha. The army was so numerous that it could surround the city, and they came just for the two of them. The servant panicked and asked Elisha: "What shall we do?" Then, Elisha prayed so God may open his servant's eyes, and when his eyes were opened, he saw the mountain filled with horses and chariots of fire all around them (2 Kings 6:14-17).
Check this out: the Bible doesn't say that the angels were sent in the moment that his eyes were opened. Those angels with chariots of fire WERE ALREADY THERE! The servant realized their presence only when their spiritual eyes were open.
The fact that we cannot see what our heavenly Father does for us, doesn't mean that He is doing nothing. He is ALWAYS helping us. He is ALWAYS protecting us. He is ALWAYS blessing us.
I believe that only in Heaven we will realize how much our Father was actually doing for us without us realizing.
Many of us, like Elisha's servant, aren't able to see what our Father is doing because we're only focusing on what our physical eyes see: the traffic problem, the medical report, that others are better than us, that I still hear strifes at home, etc. But if we learn to focus on what our Father is doing, we'll be able to see what he does!
Because He is our Father, His nature is to bless us, to help us, to protect us, to provide for us. He doesn't bless, help, protect and provide only when we ask Him. NO! He always does it because that's His nature! Our prayer must be to have our eyes open to see and receive what all He does for us. And remember this, that even if then we can't see Him, just BELIEVE that He is working for us!
Hope it helps!
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