I want to share to you three advices that, no doubts, will take you to failure. Remember that all good failure people do regularly what successful people almost never do. All good failure person make excuses, listen to everybody and plan nothing. Therefore, if you want to be a failure all your life, don't stop keeping this advices!
1. Make Excuses
Not all is your fault, so why do you have to take responsibility of everything that happens to you? Do you make the decisions of the government? Did you plan that bad thing that happened to you, that marked you and that prevented you emotionally and/or physically? Is it your fault that that man, woman, boss, coworkers, are the way they are? Of course not!
Stop listening to those that encourage you all the time because it's for sure than they didn't go through the things you did. You are the sorry, poor and pitiful person that deserves the help of all! They don't! Surely they grew up favored by destiny and will never understand your situation.
So, every time you got the chance to improve in some area, remember that you have the right to make an excuse for not to do so. What you have to do is to wait for the perfect conditions so just then to do something.
2. Listen to Everybody
Unless you want to be a hermit and exile yourself to a desert island, you have to start to compare yourself to everybody. Don't be self sufficient and proud to think that you are alright. Why to listen to only wise people, to the ones that care for you and to the ones that have obtained success? What kind of discrimination is that? This isn't a monarchy nor a dictatorship. We live in democracy!, and in such everybody deserves to be listened.
Therefore, you have to start listening to ALL your critics, to all of those that like to opine comfortably seated in their seats but they'd never be willing to play in the field, to all of those envy people that love to have what you have, to all those socia media trolls that spend five hours daily behind a screen applying their gift of criticizing others. Listen to them all!, unless that you believe that you are better that them.
And, of course, try to please everybody. Stop being selective about serving Jesus! Jesus said that we have to love are neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39) and that we have to do good to all (Galatians 6:10), didn't He?
3. Do not Plan
Plans are the modern invention of the self called "leadership and motivation masters" to maintain you slaved, and God wants you to live in freedom! (Galatians 5:13).
Short, mid and long-term plans? What's it for?, you won't fulfill their deadlines anyways and the only thing that this will be useful for is to make you feel bad and condemned, and then you'll be buying books about how to be free from condemnation, surely written by the same authors!
Living in freedom, guided by the Holy Spirit to where He wants to take you is much better! Leave now those plans to loose weigh, those goals to learn another language, that exercise routine and all of those planning nonsense that the only thing they are good is for taking your freedom.
Keep it up!
If you've been following these advices, surely your life heads to failure. Keep it up! Don't Stop! And if you've not followed them, surely your life is becoming into one of those weird exceptions where, in time, everything turn out well. But, why do you want to be the exception? Why do you want to live alone? Join the great family of failure people of all around the world and I promise that "loneliness" is something that you'll never feel!
PD: Yeap, I was being ironic =), but with much love!
Do exactly the opposite and you will surely obtain success in all the areas of life!
Hope it helps!
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