Many of the problems a family faces, and normally the ones that hurt the most, are in this area; and also it is one that most of us invest in the least, if there is any investment at all. This is one of the main reasons of the failure in marriage nowadays, because to what you don't give to, it decreases.
What's the solution? Invest in your marriage! Because to what you give to, it increases!
Those that enjoy a great marriage, it's not because they were lucky, but because they knew how to invest in it.
How do we invest in our marriage? Reading books, going to seminars, getting a mentor, listening to teachings. Doing all of these is TO GIVE to your marriage, therefore, your marriage will improve, you'll become a better husband/wife. Your spouse and children will thank you!
Do this continually. For example, if you finished a book on how to be a better husband, don't wait a year to start another one! The investment in your marriage has to be constant. Consistency is the key!
Being a better husband/wife is one of the things that's going to give you more fulfillment than any other thing. It's much more rewarding than being successful in your finances. So, in a weekly basis, sacrifice two or three our hours of something, like social media, TV or any other leisure. No having time its a just lame excuse. You do have time! It just matter of wanting it enough.
If you are a husband/wife, or if you are in a relantioship with somebody, or even if you are single dating no one, prepare yourself to be a better husband/wife starting now. Invest yourself in that area. Don't let yourself to be taught by movies, or by friends and family that, even though they want the best for you, they are just going to be telling you things out of their experience, which, in many cases, are not necessarily right. Follow the example and teaching of those that you admire in that area, of those of which you want to be like.
Remember this: fill yourself of what you want to come out of you. That knowledge won't come to you by chance, it has to be sought.
Hope it helps!!
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