jueves, 4 de julio de 2024

Are you sure of what you are doing?

Being sure that you are where you should be is vitally important. When we talk about important decisions in life, if you are not sure that you are marrying the right person, that you are studying the right thing, that you are accepting the right job, that you are moving to the right place, etc., sooner or later that insecurity will bring you problems.

That insecurity will be transformed into indecisions, worries, stress, problems with people close to you, one bad decision after another; at best you'll live dissatisfied with your life, and at worst, it'll become a spiral of problems after problems that will lead you to an unsustainable life.

The Bible teaches us in Romans 14 that there are different matters in which some think one way and others another way, and it concludes by saying "blessed is the man that not condemns himself in what he approves" (Rom. 14:22) and "everything that does not come from faith is sin" (Rom. 14:23). What's the key? It's in verse 5, "you must be fully convinced in your own mind" (paraphrased).

In other words, for those matters that the Bible doesn't say what is right and what is wrong, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DECIDE WHETHER IT IS RIGHT OR IT IS WRONG! You are the one who makes it succeed or fail! With the conviction within you that you are doing the right thing will come an inner tenacity that will make you not give up despite the obstacles. In the same way, the doubt and insecurity within you that you are not doing the right thing will make you unstable in all your ways and you will find reasons to quit all the time.

I year and a month ago, I migrated with my family here to the United Stated, with the firm conviction that it was our heavenly Father who called us, opened the doors for us, who goes before us to prepare our way and who has resolved to bless us to be a blessing to many. Not only my wife and I are convinced of this, but so are our sons, and we are grateful for the open doors that He has shown us so far and excited for what He has in store for us. We do not focus on the problems that come up, but we overcome them together. Those problems are not our focus. What He has done, is doing and will do is our focus! It is not difficult for us not to give up, that is not even an option. On the contrary, we are expecting for what is to come! That's how it is when you have an inner conviction that you are where you need to be!

Happy independence day to all my American friends, peruamerican friends and to all those who live this country!

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