lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

Christmas: Joy in the middle of trouble

Rulers only being worried for themselves, sitting in their offices to get rich instead of serving the people. The breach between the rich and poor is getting bigger every time, feeding the resentment, the bitterness and the despair. Violence is found as to daily bread, and sicknesses are attacking making no distinction of people.

Just in case, I'm not describing the actual situation of many countries nowadays, but the situation of the Jews people of thousand years ago when Jesus was born.

It was in that situation that the angels announced: "Fear not, because I give news of great joy which will be to all people, for there is born to you this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11)

I want you to see this: For our Heavenly Father, this news would produce joy in the middle of troubles. And, since God doesn't change, but remains the same, this news, if you receive it, will produce in you too joy in the middle of your troubles.

Christmas is about Jesus. He was born to give joy and peace. He doesn't give it to us as the world does, so do not be afraid (John 14:27). How does the world give peace? It offers peace and joy as long as everything is OK. If everything is not OK, there is no peace and joy. Jesus doesn't give it in that way. Jesus gives you peace and joy even in the middle of trouble because that peace and joy will be Him, your Heavenly Father.

Receive this message of Christmas and enjoy that peace and joy which nobody else will ever be able to offer!

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