If I have in a recipient 95 red balls and 5 white ones, and if I randomly take one, what ball is most probable that I take, red or white? Obviously, a red one!
That's how I like to explain why is that there is so much corruption in our authorities.
Our authorities hasn't always been authorities, but they once were part of the people (and they'll return to the people!). Why, then, there is so much corruption in our authorities? Because we, the people, are the ones that carry that corruption.
They didn't become corrupt when they became an authority. No. That corruption has always been there, and then it manifested in the form we see it in the news.
Maybe the Peruvian people didn't change the contract for the Lima's public transportation, but they do try to bribe the police officer to not get a ticket. Maybe the Peruvian people didn't accept a 20 millions dollars bribe to build a useless highway in the middle of nowhere, but they do steal the TV cable signal. Maybe the Peruvian people didn't steal the donations destined to the damaged people by the earthquake, but they do buy stolen or pirated stuff because it's cheaper. Maybe most of the Peruvian people can't make fun the Peruvian authorities by not returning to Peru to give explanations of their illegal acts, but they do make fun traffic laws.
Etcetera, etcetera y etcetera.
Corruption is, by definition, the alteration of the norm or the structure of something. In this case, of the Peruvian laws. And always is SEEKING THEIR OWN BENEFIT.
Either that those authorities have been democratically elected, called or got their public service position by running for it, all the authorities came from the people. So, if most of the people is corrupt, what chance do we have to get a honest and wanting-to-serve authority?
Our "recipient", Peru, has "95 balls of corruption", that's to say, most have corruption in their hearts. This is not a problem that started nowadays, but long ago. Almost 200 years ago Simón Bolívar denounced this in a letter:
"One of the main causes for the disasters of the Republic,
has been the scandalous squandering of
their funds..." - Simón Bolívar, 1824.
I'm not saying that I'm not agree that the corrupts have to go to a trial. I'm just pointing out the indignation that many manifest at seeing the corruption. They condemn the corruption as if they were free from it. They scandalize as if corruption was something new, when, on the contrary, it has been very permitted in them for long time. They are saying without realizing: "I am corrupt, but not so much!", or "a little bit of corruption is OK, but not too much!"
AS LONG AS WE DON'T CHANGE, DO NOT EXPECT FOR AUTHORITIES TO CHANGE. Our authorities must not change in order for us to change. It's the other way around. When we change, they will change, because they come from us.
If you're one those that think that complaining about that guy disrespecting Christian Cueva recording themselves while he insulted him for missing a penalty is worrying about nonsenses when there are more important problems in Peru, you haven't understood the real problem of Peru. There are a looooot of guys like him, without any respect for anybody else, and like that get to be in authority.
When current corrupted authorities weren't in authority yet, surely that their regular lifestyle evade taxes, running red lights, buying stolen stuff, steal wifi, cheating their clients by not giving them the best, etc.
And it's very likely that if your lifestyle is so, if you get to be in authority, you'll be one more corrupted.
That's why, if you are ONLY sick and tired of our authorities's corruption but not so of the lack of respect we see in daily basis life, if the current corruption problem we see in our authorities is solved, sooner or later new corrupted authorities will appear again.
Peru has more than 30 million problems. One of those problems concerns me. One of those problems concerns you. When you and I change, Peru will change. Not before.
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