martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

Social Networks: "Excuse me, did you say something?"

We are already in the social networks era. Many are thankful for this, some are complaining and there are others that just don't know when to stop using them. Which is your group?

I'm not agree to those that complain about them saying: "There are people that even post their food! I mean, don't they have more important things to post?" I think that these people don't get the idea of what a social network really is. For example, if you are hanging out with your friends, is it really necessary to talk only about very important things? Can't you talk about the daily things of life? Well, a social network is like that gathering, but online. So, if you see somebody that posts something that you don't like, you're free to talk or not about that, but please, don't get angry!, and much less, don't share your anger to the group of people that do like that post!

I'm not agree either with those that ignore people that are physically present because are all the time on their phone checking their social networks. If you are with family at dinner time (to throw an example), your family around you is already your social network. So, put away your cellphone and talk to them, partake of the reunion, you are part of them! Not to talk to them because you're checking your cellphone it is not right. If you want, take a picture of your food and a selfie with them, but to post those photos in that very moment and to answer all the comments of those photos, I think it's too much. That's is ignoring your family, and examples like that are the ones that people that are complaining all the time take to generalize saying that social networks destroy your family, that they have formed a zombie generation, etc.

The social network hasn't destroyed your family. The lack of self control of the person to have balance, did.

The Bible says that there is time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). When we do things out of their time, there are problems. But if you look for the help of your Heavenly Father, He will strengthen you  so you can do things in their proper time, and you won't be impatient nor in despair, and you will learn to enjoy the moment.

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