martes, 31 de diciembre de 2024

Three powerful advices that will help you to start with expectation this 2025

 Here you have three advices that will help you to start with expectation this 2025:

1. Do not base your plans on your past, but in your present and in the Word of God.

It's hard not to base your plans on what you have lived, because we think on our past mistakes and on what we don't have. We say: "Why'd be different now? Why even to try?" That way of thinking is wrong. The right way is to see YOUR PRESENT and to see the promises of our heavenly Father.

When you see your present focus on what you have, your talents, your abilities, your opportunities. What you don't have is not your present. Your lack of money, of opportunities, of talents, etc., is not part of you, is not part of your present, that's why you don't have it! For example, if you don't have 20 million dollars, are those 20 millions your present? Obvios that not! Maybe your present is only 10 dollars. Well, start with that!

And if, to what you have you combine with the promises of our heavenly Dad, those 10 dollars become more that enough to start! Your heavenly Dad wants you to use what you have, not what you don't have.

2. Think big, start small.

ALL big achievement starts small, grows small, and it's achieved small. For example, the "small step" that took Neil Armstrong (that "a small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind") was the culmination of millions of small steps taken by him and by a numberless of people that worked together to reach the moon. We cannot make something big with only one decision, but with the accumulation of thousands of small decisions.

So, aim to reach your dreams, let them be big!, written them now, BUT, know that you won't reach them after taking 10 or 20 steps. Do not quit! Keep building from yesterday's work. Keep building brick upon brick, step by step, correcting your way as you go. DO NOT DESPISE THE SMALL PROGRESS, because big dreams are made of those.

3. Live in peace and joy now!

Maybe the most deceiving mentality is that you have to reach your dreams to be happy. You might be thinking that I got that wrong. But I'll repeat it so you make sure it was what I meant: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REACH YOUR DREAMS TO BE HAPPY. You can be happy now!

Jesus said in John 14:27, "My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you". And then Jesus adds a key part: "I do not give it to you as the world gives". The question is, how does the world gives it? The world gives peace conditionally. That's to say, you have to do something in order to have peace. You have to reach your dreams, belong to the group, have money, travel, get marry, loose weight, build up muscle, be healthy, etc. All of that are good things, and all of that our heavenly Father wants to give you, but never as a condition for you to have peace, but as a consequence of having sought Him firts (Matthew 6:33, Romans 14:17, Psalm 23:6). So, "do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27), because Jesus gives you away His peace. And His joy too! (Philippians 4:4).

Happy 2025!

Tres poderosos consejos para comenzar con expectativa este 2025

Aquí tienes tres poderosos consejos que te ayudarán a comenzar con expectativa este 2025:

1. No te bases en tu en pasado, sino en tu presente y en la Palabra de Dios.

Es difícil no basar tus planes en lo que has vivido, porque pensamos en nuestras antiguos fracasos y en lo que no tenemos. Decimos: "¿Por qué ha de ser diferente ahora? ¿Para qué intentarlo?". Esa manera de pensar es equivocada. La manera correcta es ver TU PRESENTE y ver las promesas de Padre celestial.

Cuando veas tu presente enfócate en lo que tienes, tus habilidades, tus talentos, tus oportunidades. Lo que no tienes no es tu presente. Tu falta de dinero, de oportunidades, de talentos, etc., no es parte de ti, no es parte de tu presente, ¡por eso es que no lo tienes! Por ejemplo, si no tienes 20 millones de dólares, ¿esos 20 millones es tu presente? ¡Obvio que no! Tu presente puede que sea solo 10 soles. Bueno, ¡con eso comienza!

Y si a lo que tienes lo combinas con las promesas de nuestro Padre celestial, ¡esos 10 soles se vuelven más que suficiente para comenzar! Tu Padre celestial quiere que uses lo que tienes, no lo que no tienes.

2. Piensa en grande, comienza en pequeño.

TODA obra grande comienza en pequeño, crece en pequeño y se logra en pequeño. Por ejemplo, el "pequeño paso" que hizo Neil Armsgtrong (ese "pequeño paso para el hombre pero un gran paso para la humanidad") fue la culminación de millones de pequeños pasos tomados por él y un sin número de personas que trabajaron juntos que llegar a la luna. No podemos hacer algo grande con una sola decisión, sino con la acumulación de miles de pequeñas decisiones.

Así que, apunta a alcanzar tus sueños, ¡que sean grandes!, escríbelos, PERO, sabe que no los alcanzarás después de tomar 10 o 20 pasos. ¡No te rindas! Sigue construyendo de desde donde te quedaste ayer. Sigue poniendo ladrillo sobre ladrillo, sigue caminando paso a paso, corrigiendo tu camino a medida que avanzas. NO DESPRECIES LO PEQUEÑO, porque de ello está formado los grandes sueños.

3. ¡Vive en paz y gozo ahora!

Quizás la mentalidad más engañosa del mundo es que tienes que alcanzar tu sueños para feliz. Seguro piensas que me equivoqué en escribir eso. Pero lo repetiré para que estés seguro que lo escribí bien: NO TIENES QUE ALCANZAR TUS SUEÑOS PARA SER FELIZ. ¡Puedes ser feliz ya!

Jesús dijo en Juan 14:27, "Mi paz les dejo, mi paz se las doy". Y luego agrega una parte clave: "Yo no la doy como el mundo la da". La pregunta es, ¿cómo la da el mundo? El mundo da la paz condicionalmente. Es decir, tienes que hacer algo para tener paz. Tienes que alcanzar sueños, pertenecer al grupo, tener dinero, viajar, casarte, adelgazar, sacar músculo, estar sano, etc. Todas son cosas buenas y todas son cosas que nuestro Padre celestial quiere darte, pero nunca como condición para que tengas paz, sino como consecuencia de haberlo buscado a Él primeramente (Mateo 6:33, Romanos 14:17, Salmos 23:6). Así "que tu corazón esté tranquilo, no tengas miedo" (Juan 14:27), porque Jesús te regala su paz. Y su gozo también! (Filipenses 4:4).

¡Feliz año 2025!

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2024

Was Jesus was born on December 25th?

Many years ago I met a young man, he was about 12 years old, and didn't know when his birthday was because nobody has ever celebrated it. He had a very low economic condition and has suffered a lot, even being abandoned by his parents. I was with some people of the church in that moment and, with them, we decided that that day would be his birthday, and so we went on and celebrated it!

For a few more years we celebrated his birthday that day (I think it was a day on April), until he grew up and knew what day was his actual birthday.

Was it important that that day on April was not his actual birthday? NO, it wasn't.

Was it important that that day on April was in fact many other people's birthday? NO, it wasn't.

The only thing that was important was that we were celebrating together the birthday of this young man. Period.

Sometimes we let ourselves to be entangled by trivial things. I've heard many people discussing on the fact the Jesus was not born on December 25th, and that that day is, in reality, the celebration of some others pagan gods. You know something, it is not important to know the real day on which Jesus was born, and neither is if that day some other pagan god is celebrated. What really matters is that we are celebrating together his birth and the reasons He came for.

If Jesus was born on December 25th or not is meaningless. And no, we are not celebrating a pagan god if we celebrate Christmas that day. The people that celebrate Jesus' birthday ONLY celebrate Him, in the same way that when we celebrated this young man birthday, we celebrated ONLY his birthday, and not any other's person birthday that was born on that same day on April. Can you imagine how awful it would've been if we would've told this young man: "Sorry, we can celebrate your birthday today because it's somebody else's birthday!"

All the happiness, union, and peace we feel on Christmas days, all the words of forgiveness and love that are shared, all the hope that many feel when they celebrate the birthday of Jesus on December 25th, are not affected by any means by the fact that Jesus maybe wasn't born on that day.

So, was Jesus was born on December 25th? I don't know. And the truth is that I don't care if He was born on that day or not. But I do care is that we celebrate His birthday, which, as many rightly say, should be celebrated all year long. On the top of that, I'm glad to know that in a lot of parts of the world, whether they believe in Jesus as I do or not, His birthday is being celebrated. And, though it's true that many don't celebrate Jesus directly, they do celebrate a moment of peace, joy, union, family, and hope, which is also what Jesus came for.

I hope this helps you!

¿Jesús nació el 25 de diciembre?

Hace unos años conocí a un jovencito, quizás de unos 12 años de edad, el cual no sabía cuándo era su cumpleaños porque nunca se lo habían celebrado. Era un joven de una muy humilde condición económica y había sufrido bastante, incluyendo abandono. Estábamos con unos jóvenes de la iglesia en ese momento y, con ellos, decidimos que ese día sería, de ahí en adelante, su cumpleaños. ¡Así que se lo celebramos todos juntos ese día!

Por algunos años más celebramos su cumpleaños con él ese día (creo que era un día de Abril), hasta que creció y supo cuándo era su verdadero cumpleaños.

¿Importaba el hecho que el día de Abril que elegimos no haya sido su verdadero cumpleaños? NO.

¿Importaba que ese día de Abril seguramente haya sido el cumpleaños de alguien más? TAMPOCO.

Lo único que importaba era de que juntos celebrábamos el cumpleaños de este jovencito. Nada más.

A veces nos dejamos enredar tanto por pequeñeces. He escuchado a muchos discutir sobre el hecho que Jesús no nació un 25 de Diciembre y que ese día se celebra, en realidad, a algunos dioses paganos. Sabes algo, no es importante saber la fecha exacta del nacimiento de Jesús, y tampoco lo es si ese mismo día se celebra a algún dios pagano. Lo que sí importa es que estamos celebrando juntos Su nacimiento y las razones por las que Él vino.

No resta significado si Jesús nació o no el 25 de Diciembre. Tampoco estamos celebrando a algún dios pagano si celebramos Navidad ese día. Las personas que celebran el nacimiento de Jesús solo lo celebran a Él, de la misma manera que cuando celebrábamos el cumpleaños de este jovencito celebrábamos SOLAMENTE su cumpleaños y no de cualquier otra persona que haya nacido también ese día de Abril. ¡Imagínate que le haya dicho a este jovencito: "Sorry, no podemos celebrarte tu cumpleaños hoy porque es el de alguien más"!

Toda la felicidad, unión y paz que muchos sentimos los días de Navidad, todas las palabras de perdón y amor que se comparten, toda la esperanza que muchos sienten cuando celebran el nacimiento de Jesús el 25 de Diciembre, no es afectada en lo más mínimo por el hecho que Jesús quizás no haya nacido en realidad ese día.

Entonces, ¿Jesús nació un 25 de Diciembre? La verdad, no sé. Y la verdad, no me importa si nació esa fecha o no. Lo que sí me importa es que celebramos su nacimiento, el cual, como muchos muy bien dicen, debería ser celebrado todos los días del año. Además, me alegra saber que en gran parte del mundo, ya sea que crean en Jesús como yo o no, están celebrando también su nacimiento. Y si bien es cierto que muchos no celebra a Jesús directamente, sí celebran un momento de paz, gozo, unión, familia y esperanza, lo cual es también para lo que vino Jesús.

¡Espero te ayude!

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2024

Dad, when I meet you in Heaven, you must tell me about it!

Dad, I want to know so bad how you encounter with Jesus was! What did He say to you, how did He receive you, what did He do? Did you recognize Him at first glance, or did you know it was Him because He ran to you, or perhaps you recognized Him because you felt an overwhelming love, the one we told to you so much, and perhaps you thought: "He, for sure, got to be Jesus!" When I meet you in Heaven, you must tell me about it!

I want to know, dad, how Jesus wiped away your tears. Did He do it with His hands, did he have a handkerchief, or maybe He dried them off with His clothes while He hugged you? What were you thinking at that moment? "Oh, I'm getting Jesus' clothes dirty with my tears and mucus. What a shame!" Or perhaps that kind of shame He also took away on the cross! Perhaps there is not even snots in Heaven! Maybe there are snots in Heaven, but Jesus didn't care about it because for Him, even though you were almost 94 years old, you are still His baby! When I meet you in Heaven, you must tell me about it!

I want know why you were crying! I don't ask if you cried or not when you met Jesus because I'm sure of that. Was His overwhelming presence full of love which here on earth makes us cry, and you have felt it there for the first time? Was it because you felt how every drop of condemnation left your being? Maybe you don't know why and you didn't even mind asking because you just wanted to enjoy that moment. I've never seen you cried (my mom has), and much less crying as a child. What a moving scene! Imagining it makes me cry! I hope somebody recorded it! =) When I meet you in Heaven, you must tell me about it!

How does feel to feel NOTHING bad? How does it feel to feel no more condemnation or guilt of any kind? What does it feel like to have no regrets about anything whatsoever? How does it feel to have NO sadness, NO anger, NO anguish, No worry? How does it feel to not have any physical pain at all? What did you feel when all of that left your being? Was it gradual or instantaneous? And, were you being filled at the same time with that fullness of joy that exists in His presence, which here on earth we can enjoy in part, but there in Heaven we can only imagine what it will be like! When I meet you in Heaven, you must tell me about it!

Dad, do you miss? Do you miss me? Do you miss mom, my siblings, friends, loved ones? Do you miss the house? Do you miss work? Do you miss the park? Is there such a feeling over there in Heaven, or even the feeling of missing someone cannot dwell next His presence? When I meet you in Heaven, you must tell me about it!

How does it feel to be reunited with with your loved ones that here on earth you said good bye to? What did you feel when you saw my meemaw Delia, your dad, the uncles, aunts, relatives and friends who got there before you? The Bible says that we'll have new bodies, so I wonder, did you recognize them, did they recognize you, did Jesus help you with that, or were there angels commissioned for that job? When I meet you in Heaven, you must tell me about it!

When I meet you in Heaven, will you recognize me? Will you be waiting for me at the side of Jesus?

I love you dad.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2024

Are you sure of what you are doing?

Being sure that you are where you should be is vitally important. When we talk about important decisions in life, if you are not sure that you are marrying the right person, that you are studying the right thing, that you are accepting the right job, that you are moving to the right place, etc., sooner or later that insecurity will bring you problems.

That insecurity will be transformed into indecisions, worries, stress, problems with people close to you, one bad decision after another; at best you'll live dissatisfied with your life, and at worst, it'll become a spiral of problems after problems that will lead you to an unsustainable life.

The Bible teaches us in Romans 14 that there are different matters in which some think one way and others another way, and it concludes by saying "blessed is the man that not condemns himself in what he approves" (Rom. 14:22) and "everything that does not come from faith is sin" (Rom. 14:23). What's the key? It's in verse 5, "you must be fully convinced in your own mind" (paraphrased).

In other words, for those matters that the Bible doesn't say what is right and what is wrong, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DECIDE WHETHER IT IS RIGHT OR IT IS WRONG! You are the one who makes it succeed or fail! With the conviction within you that you are doing the right thing will come an inner tenacity that will make you not give up despite the obstacles. In the same way, the doubt and insecurity within you that you are not doing the right thing will make you unstable in all your ways and you will find reasons to quit all the time.

I year and a month ago, I migrated with my family here to the United Stated, with the firm conviction that it was our heavenly Father who called us, opened the doors for us, who goes before us to prepare our way and who has resolved to bless us to be a blessing to many. Not only my wife and I are convinced of this, but so are our sons, and we are grateful for the open doors that He has shown us so far and excited for what He has in store for us. We do not focus on the problems that come up, but we overcome them together. Those problems are not our focus. What He has done, is doing and will do is our focus! It is not difficult for us not to give up, that is not even an option. On the contrary, we are expecting for what is to come! That's how it is when you have an inner conviction that you are where you need to be!

Happy independence day to all my American friends, peruamerican friends and to all those who live this country!

¿Estás seguro de lo que haces?


Estar seguro que estás donde debes estar es de vital importancia. Cuando hablamos de decisiones importantes en la vida, si no estás seguro que te estás casando con la persona correcta, que estás estudiando lo correcto, que estás aceptando el trabajo correcto, que te estás mudando al lugar correcto, etc., tarde o temprano esa inseguridad te traerá problemas.

Esa inseguridad se transformará en indecisiones, preocupaciones, estrés, problemas con las personas cercanas, una mala decisión tras otra; en el mejor de los casos vivirás insatisfecho con tu vida y, en el peor de los casos, se volverá una espiral de problemas tras problemas que te llevará a una vida insostenible.

La Biblia nos enseña en Romanos 14 que hay diferentes asuntos en los que algunos piensan de una manera y otros de otra, y concluye diciendo "bienaventurado el hombre que no se condena a sí mismo en lo que aprueba" (Rom. 14:22) y "todo lo que no proviene de fe es pecado" (Rom. 14:23). ¿Cuál es la clave? Está en el versículo 5: "Tienes que estar plenamente convencido en tu propia mente" (parafraseado).

En otras palabras, para aquellos asuntos que la Biblia no dice qué está bien y qué está mal, ¡TÚ TIENES EL PODER DE DECIDIR SI ESTÁ BIEN O ESTÁ MAL! ¡Tú eres el que hace que aquello prospere o que fracase! Con la convicción dentro de ti que estás haciendo lo correcto vendrá una tenacidad interna que hará no te rindas a pesar de los obstáculos. Así también, con esa duda e inseguridad en ti de no saber si estás haciendo lo correcto te volverás inestable en todos tus caminos y encontrarás razones para rendirte todo el tiempo.

Hace un año y un mes que migré con mi familia aquí, a los Estados Unidos, con la firme convicción que fue nuestro Padre celestial quien nos llamó, nos abrió las puertas, que va delante de nosotros para preparar nuestro camino y que se ha propuesto bendecirnos para ser de bendición a muchos. No solo mi esposa y yo estamos convencidos de ello, sino también nuestros hijos, y estamos agradecidos por las puertas abiertas que nos ha mostrado hasta ahora y emocionados por lo que tiene preparado para nosotros. No nos concentramos en los problemas que se presentan, sino que los superamos juntos. Esos problemas no son nuestro enfoque, sino lo que Él ha hecho, está haciendo y va a hacer por nosotros. No nos cuesta no rendirnos, al contrario, estamos expectantes por lo que se viene. ¡Así es cuando tienes una seguridad interna que estás donde sabes que tienes que estar!

¡Feliz día de la independencia a todos mis amigos gringos, peruanidenses y a todos los que aman este país!