1. Somebody invites you to play Secret Santa, and you...
- Not only accept, but also want to organize it (3 POINTS).
- You just accept it (2 POINTS).
- You decline (1 POINT).
- Not only decline, but also think that it's a waste of time and money (0 POINTS).
2. You begin to decorate for Christmas on...
- Beginning of November or before (3 POINTS).
- Beginning of December (2 POINTS).
- A few days before Christmas (1 POINT).
- Yo don't decorate at all (0 POINTS).
3. You start thinking on ideas on how you'll be decorating for Christmas since...
- Last Christmas (3 POINTS).
- December (2 POINTS).
- You don't think about that, but you let someone else to do it (1 POINT).
- Thinking about that causes you headache (0 POINT).
4. When decorating...
- You are so excited that you cry (3 POINTS).
- You like to help (2 POINTS).
- You don't like to decorate, but you let someone else to do it (1 POINT).
- You not only don't decorate, but also can't stand the Christmas decoration (0 POINT).
5. About the presents...
- You like to personalize them and give them to as many people as you're able to (3 POINTS).
- You want to give presents, but just to a few people (2 POINTS).
- You don't give presents at all (1 POINT).
- You don't give presents to anyone and really don't care if you don't receive any present (0 POINTS).
6. About the clothing...
- You love wearing Christmas antlers or hats, T-shirts and also Christmas pajamas. Even your car wear Christmas antlers! (3 POINTS).
- You don't mind to wear Christmas theme clothing (2 POINTS).
- You'd wear it just because everybody is doing it (1 POINT).
- Wearing Christmas stuff is for fools, you wouldn't do it even if you got paid for (0 POINTS).
7. About the Christmas Eve dinner...
- You wait for that special moment the whole year (3 POINTS),
- You just enjoy the moment (2 POINTS).
- It's just one more meal for you; you don't feel anything special (1 POINT).
- You wouldn't spend for anything special even if you had the money (0 POINTS).
8. People think about you...
- That you have a great Christmas spirit (3 POINTS).
- That you have a moderate Christmas spirit (2 POINTS).
- That you'd be part of a Christmas gathering just because of the food and presents (1 POINT).
- Everybody avoids you around Christmas time (0 POINTS).
9. About Christmas music...
- You absolutely love singing and listening to it, to the point that you might even tear up a little (3 POINTS).
- You like it (2 POINTS).
- You don't like it (1 POINT).
- You can't stand it (0 POINTS).
10. On December 26...
- You become very nostalgic, you still feel butterflies in your belly and you are already thinking about next Christmas (3 POINTS).
- You're kind of sad because Christmas is over, but you're not thinking about that the whole day (2 POINTS).
- You are only thinking of the arduos work of putting everything away (1 POINT).
- You say:
"Finally, Christmas is over!" (0 POINTS).
From 25 - 30 points:
You don't have an ounce of Grinch, on the contrary, you easily could be Santa Claus or at least an Elf.
From 18 - 24 points:
You have Christmas spirit, but that's all.
From 12 -17 points:
You like Christmas. That's it. If you aren't careful, you may become into a Grinch.
From 6 -11 points:
You should be ashamed to be such a party pooper. You are very close to become a Grinch.
From 0 - 5 points:
You have Grinch blood running through your veins, your last name is Scrooge and kids run away from you.
If you like it, don't forget to share! ;-)