viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2017

A prayer for 2018

Heavenly Father, I thank you for 2017 that just finished, because I know that You've been with me all the time. Maybe many times I didn't realize that You were there, but that doesn't mean that You weren't. And for this same reason I know that You'll be with me this year 2018.

I ask you to help me to see You all this starting year. I don't want to be led by my feelings, but I want to learn to live by faith. I know there will be problems, situation that will make me stumble and maybe I'll turn my eye off of You, but help me to put my eyes back to You rapidly, knowing that You won't condemn me for not having trusted You, but You'll be ready to receive me, hug me and help me to solve that problem.

Thank you for I know that you don't seek perfection in me. You don't ask me to be a perfect son, because You know that that is impossible for me. Rather, thank You because You gave your perfect Son so He may die for my imperfections, and thanks to Him, now You see me perfect, holy, pure and spotless. Thank You because that gives the confidence that in 2018 I can go forth for new challenges without the fear of being wrong before You, because I know that You won't be disappointed of me, that You won't get weary of my mistakes and sins, but You'll always be willing to help, correct and direct me with love.

Thank You because Your Word says that You go before me (Deuteronomy 31:8) and that You prepare the way for me (Ephesians 2:10). This means that 2018 isn't new for You. I don't know the things I'll face this starting year, but You do. And I know that, in Your faithfulness, You already ensured that any situation I face has a way of escape, so I'll be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13). So I'll walk confident that You've already been to where I'll be and that You prepared everything for me.

I won't be afraid of the bad news that 2018 brings, because my heart will be steadfast trusting You (Psalms 112:7). You won't abandon me in anytime, move away from me nor leave me alone, but You'll ALWAYS be with me (Matthew 28:20). I decide to see your goodness (Psalms 27:13), and to believe that the earth is filled with your glory (Isaiah 6:3), and that includes my family, my business, my church and my country. My mouth will declare Your good news and not the bad news I'll hear. The physician doesn't have the last word, neither my boss, the president, the authorities, nor the things I see in my family. I decide to believe that You have the last word. I decide to believe Your Word and fix my eyes only on You.

Thank Father because You love and You will always do, and that love is the anchor that soul needs. I feel safe in You.


Una oración para el 2018

Padre Celestial, te doy gracias por el año 2017 que pasó, porque sé que estuviste conmigo todo el tiempo. Quizás muchas veces no me di cuenta que estabas ahí, pero eso no quiere decir que no lo estabas. Y por lo mismo sé que seguirás estando conmigo en todo este 2018.

Te pido que me ayudes a poder verte todo este año que comienza. No quiero dejarme guiar por mis sentimientos, sino que quiero aprender a vivir por fe. Sé que habrá problemas, situaciones que me harán tambalear y quizás llegue a quitar la mirada de Ti, pero ayúdame a volver a poner mis ojos en Ti rápidamente, sabiendo que no me condenarás por haber dudado de Ti, sino que estarás listo a recibirme, abrazarme y ayudarme a salir de ese problema.

Gracias porque sé que Tú no buscas perfección en mí. Tú no pides que yo sea un hijo perfecto, porque sabes que eso es imposible para mí. Gracias, más bien, porque Tú diste a tu Hijo perfecto para que muera por mis imperfecciones, y gracias a Él, ahora Tú me ves perfecto, santo, puro, sin mancha. Gracias porque eso me da la confianza en que este 2018 puedo intentar nuevos retos sin temor a equivocarme delante Ti, porque sé que Tú no te sentirás desilusionado de mí, que no te cansarán mis errores ni pecados, sino que siempre estarás dispuesto con amor a ayudarme, corregirme y encaminarme.

Gracias porque tu Palabra dice que Tú vas delante de mí (Deuteronomio 31:8) y que preparas el camino para mí (Efesios 2:10). Esto quiere decir que el 2018 no es nuevo para Ti. Yo no sé qué cosas enfrentaré este año que comienza, pero Tú sí. Y sé que en tu fidelidad ya te aseguraste que cualquier cosa que enfrente no sea más de lo que pueda soportar, sino que has puesto una salida para mí (1 Corintios 10:13). Así que caminaré con la confianza que Tú ya estuviste por donde caminaré y lo arreglaste todo para mí.

No temeré a las malas noticias que el 2018 me traiga porque mi corazón estará confiado en Ti (Salmo 112:7). No me abandonarás en ningún momento, no te alejarás de mí, no me dejarás solo, sino que SIEMPRE estarás conmigo (Mateo 28:20). Decido mirar tu bondad (Salmo 27:13), decido creer que la tierra está llena de tu gloria (Isaías 6:3), y eso incluye mi familia, mi negocio, mi iglesia y mi país. Mi boca declarará tus buenas noticias y no las malas noticas que escucharé. El médico no tiene la última palabra, ni mi jefe, ni el presidente, ni las autoridades, ni las cosas que veo en mi familia. Decido creer que la última palabra la tienes Tú. Decido creer tu Palabra y poner mis ojos solo en Ti.

Gracias Padre porque me amas y siempre me amarás, y ese amor es el ancla que mi alma necesita. Me siento seguro en Ti.


miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2017

New Year or New You?

Most people in this time of the year start to share what they wish for next year: more health, more opportunities, more family union, etc. The problem resides in that most of them wait for those improvements just to happen, and few are the ones that take responsibility for that to happen.

If you think that this year 2017 was equal to 2016, and this one was equal to 2015, and so on, I think that the problem doesn't reside in the years, but in you. And I can assure that, without fear to be wrong, that for you, if you don't change, 2018 will be equal too.

Instead of wishing for 2018 to be different, take responsibility of yourself so you can be different, and you will see that you'll have more authority and power to make the changes you need.

If you didn't like your 2017, don't blame 2017. Of course you didn't have control over the things that happened to you, but you did have control over your response. And it'll be so in 2018. As John Maxwell says: "You don't have control over the winds, but you do over the sail". 

The Bible teaches in Ecclesiastes 9:11 that opportunity come to all. That's means that in 2017 you did have opportunities, and that's means that in 2018 you'll still have them. So, will you be prepared for them? Will you have the right attitude? Will you expectant everyday for them to come or will you still be lamenting for the ones you lost?

I encourage you to have a more-than-a-conqueror attitude all 2018, knowing that your Heavenly Father will be with you all the time to help you in any situation you might go through. No more lamenting and no more complaints! Your Father has given you all what you need to see your dreams come true!

martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

¿Año Nuevo o Tú Nuevo?

La mayoría de personas en esta época del año comienzan a compartir lo que desearían para el próximo año: más salud, más oportunidades de trabajo, más unidad en la familia, etc. El problema se encuentra en que muchos esperan que simplemente sucedan esas mejoras, y pocos son los que asumen la responsabilidad ello suceda.

Si piensas que este año 2017 fue igual al 2016, y éste a su vez fue igual al 2015, y así sucesivamente, creo que el problema no se encuentra en los años, sino en ti. Y puedo asegurar sin temor a equivocarme, que para ti, si sigues así, el 2018 será igual también.

En lugar de desear que el año 2018 sea diferente, mejor asume responsabilidad de ti mismo para tú seas diferente, y verás que sentirás que tienes más autoridad y poder para hacer los cambios que necesitas.

Si no te gustó tu 2017, no le eches la culpa al 2017. Por supuesto que no tenías control sobre las cosas que te sucedieron, pero sí tenías el control sobre tu respuesta. Y será lo mismo el 2018. Como dice John Maxwell: "No puedes controlar los vientos, pero sí las velas".

La Biblia enseña en Eclesiastés 9:11 que la oportunidad les llega a todos. Eso quiere decir que el 2017 sí hubo oportunidades para ti, y quiere decir también que en el 2018 las seguirán habiendo. Entonces, ¿estarás preparado para cuando lleguen?, ¿tendrás la actitud correcta? ¿estarás expectante cada día para cuando lleguen o seguirás lamentándote por las que te perdiste?

Te animo a que tengas la actitud de un más que vencedor durante todo este año 2018, sabiendo que tu Padre Celestial estará contigo en todo momento para ayudarte en cualquier circunstancia por la que atravieses. ¡Ya no más lamentos, ya no más quejas! ¡Tu Padre te ha dado todo lo que necesitas para que puedas ver tus sueños hacerse realidad!

domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2017

Christmas: Jesus didn't come to condemn

What the world needs more than anything is hope: hope that there is an opportunity, hope that not everything is lost, hope that the past won't determine the future, hope that the dreams can come true.

Sadly, many people don't have that hope and live condemned by their errors and sins, or condemned to believe that everything will be the same for the things that happened to them. But Jesus came to change that.

Jesus was born to bring them hope. Many people think that God wants to give them what they deserve, that He is focused on their bad actions so He may punish them, that He is far away and is indifferent to their pain. But the truth is quite the opposite: our Father wants to give you what you don't deserve because Jesus already received what you deserved. He is focused on you as a good, loving and caring Father, and He does it to help and bless you. Your Father is close to your pain, He identifies to it, cries with you and gets happy with you.

If your Father wanted to condemned you, He would've sent a condemner. But He wanted to save you, so He sent a Savior. If He wanted to punish you, why hasn't He done it already? But He loves you so much that He wanted Jesus to receive the punishment you deserved, and now He is patient so that all may come to know Him.

Christmas is the birth of hope. Christmas is the beginning of the end of condemnation. Christmas is God drawing close to humanity. Christmas is to know that you can decide for a better future because you know that your Heavenly Father is with you. That's why Christmas is the best season of the year.

"For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved"
(John 3:17)

I, my Ceci and my Juanes wish you a very merry little Christmas!

Navidad: Jesús no vino a condenar

Lo que el mundo necesita más que nada es esperanza, la esperanza que existe una oportunidad, que no todo está perdido, que el pasado no determinará el futuro, que los sueños se pueden hacer realidad.

Lamentablemente muchos no tienen esa esperanza y viven condenados por los errores y pecados que cometieron, o condenados a pensar que todo será igual por las cosas que les sucedieron. Pero Jesús vino a cambiar eso.

Jesús nació para traerles esperanza. Muchos piensan que Dios quiere darles lo que se merecen, que está atento a las cosas malas que uno hace para castigar, que es lejano e indiferente al dolor que uno pasa. Pero la realidad es todo lo contrario: nuestro Padre quiere darte lo que no te mereces porque Jesús ya recibió lo que te mereces. Él está atento a lo que haces como buen Padre amoroso y cuidadoso con sus hijos, y lo hace para ayudarte y bendecirte. Tu Padre es cercano a tu dolor, se identifica con él, llora contigo y se alegra contigo.

Si tu Padre hubiera querido condenarte por tus pecados, hubiera enviado a un condenador, pero porque quiso salvarte, envió a un Salvador. Si quisiera castigarte, ¿por qué simplemente no lo hace? Pero te ama tanto que quiso que el castigo que merecías lo reciba Jesús, y ahora Él es paciente para todos podamos conocerlo.

Navidad es el nacimiento de la esperanza. Navidad es el principio del fin de la condenación. Navidad es Dios acercándose al hombre. Navidad es que puedes decidir por un mejor futuro porque sabes que tu Padre Celestial está contigo. Por eso, Navidad es, realmente, la mejor época del año.

"Porque no envió Dios a Su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que fuese salvo por Él"
(Juan 3:17)

¡Yo, mi Ceci, y mis Juanes les deseamos una muy feliz Navidad!

sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2017

Bye 2017: You got to the other side

What a year!

Many things happened in 2017! It started with a very hot summer which was alongside with an even hotter politic situation: interpellations, accusations, debates for the gender ideology, ex-president Toledo's capture order, among other things. Right after that, mudslides in different parts of Peru leave desolation and pain for whatever they went, whose consequences are still far from being restored.

Then a tragic fire touched many Peruvians because it revealed the slavery situation that many young people endured. The politic world didn't stop getting tense. In the middle of the year the ex-president Toledo and his wife were put in custody. Thousands of students were afraid to loose the school year because of the constant strikes of their teachers.

The interpellations to the state secretaries continued and corruption accusations reached the current president of Peru. The cabinet fell. The year crowned with the request of presidential impeachment.

And this is just in Peru. I have said nothing about Venezuela, the Middle East, the fear of a nuclear war, the earthquakes devastating different places, slaughters and shootings, etc. And of course, all of this is just the frame where all our personal problems took place.

But, you know something?, 2017 finished and we're still here. We got to the other side. The marks that 2017 left you are not of failure, but the prove that you got to the other side.

I explain it to you with this story: One mom watched over her kid from afar while he played in a river. Suddenly, a crocodile appeared, grabbed the boy's arm and started taking him inside the river. His mom run to him with all her strength while crying out loud for help. Surprisingly she got just in time to grab her other son's arm. The boy was pulled in one side by the crocodile, and in the other side, by the her mom. Thanks God there was a hunter in the area that heard her crying out for help and quickly approached to help and killed the crocodile with his weapon. The boy was taken rapidly to the hospital.

Once the boy was out danger, his mom allowed a journalist to interview him. The journalist asked him: "What do you think when you see the marks that the crocodile left you?" The boy answered: "Those marks mean nothing to me". Then he showed her his other arm and said: "This marks are the ones that do have a great value to me, because they represent that my mom didn't leave me and saved my life".

Maybe this 2017 left you with some marks, but those marks aren't of failure, because if it was so, you wouldn't be here. But you are here! You got to the other side! Those marks are the ones left by your Heavenly Father because He didn't let you go all this time. It was hard, but you got to the other side. And your Father promises you that He will be with you in 2018 no matter what it brings! Will there be difficulties? I'm positive that there will, but you won't be alone, He will keep holding your hand, and you can be sure that NOTHING will make Him to let you go.

Chau 2017: ¡llegaste al otro lado!

¡Vaya año!

En 2017 pasaron muchas cosas. Comenzó con un muy acalorado verano que acompañaba a una situación política todavía más acalorada: interpelaciones, acusaciones, debates por la ideología de género, la orden de captura del expresidente Toledo, entre otras cosas. Inmediatamente después, huaycos en diferentes parte del Perú dejaron desolación y dolor por donde iban, y cuyas consecuencias todavía están lejos de ser restauradas.

Luego un trágico incendio conmovió a los peruanos por poner en evidencia la situación de esclavitud que muchos jóvenes padecen. El mundo de la política no dejaba de ponerse tenso. A medio año se ordenó la prisión preventiva del expresidente Ollanta y su esposa Nadine. Miles de escolares en peligro de perder su año escolar debido a las constantes huelgas de sus maestros.

Las interpelaciones a los ministros seguían y las acusaciones de corrupción alcanzaron al actual presidente del Perú. Cae el gabinete del gobierno. El año se coronó con el pedido de la vacancia presidencial.

Y esto solo es del Perú. Falta hablar de Venezuela, del Medio Oriente, del temor a una guerra nuclear, de los terremotos que azotaron diferentes lugares, de matanzas y tiroteos, etc. Y por supuesto, todo esto es solo el marco en donde nuestros problemas personales se desarrollaron.

Pero, ¿saben qué?, el 2017 terminó y seguimos aquí. Llegamos al otro lado. Las marcas que te dejó, no son de derrota, sino la prueba de que pasaste.

Te lo explico con esta historia: Una mamá vigilaba a su hijo de lejos mientras él jugaba en un río. De repente, un cocodrilo salió, agarró al niño del brazo y empezó a llevarlo río adentro. La mamá corrió con todas us fuerzas mientras gritaba por ayuda. Sorprendentemente ella llegó a tiempo para coger a su hijo del otro brazo. El niño era tirado, por una lado, por el cocodrilo y, por el otro, por su mamá. Gracias a Dios un cazador pudo escuchar los gritos de auxilio y rápidamente se acercó ayudar, matando al cocodrilo con su arma. El niño fue llevado de emergencia a un hospital.

Ya fuera de peligro el niño, su mamá aceptó que una periodista lo entreviste. La periodista le preguntó: "¿Qué piensas cuando ves las marcas que te dejó ese cocodrilo?" El niño le contestó: "Esas marcas no significan nada para mí". Luego le mostró su otro brazo y le dijo: "Estas marcas son las que tienen un gran valor para mí porque representan que mi mamá no me dejó y me salvó la vida".

Este 2017 seguro te dejó algunas marcas, pero esas marcas no son de derrota, porque si lo fueran, no estarías aquí. ¡Pero estás aquí! ¡Llegaste al otro lado! Esas marcas son las que te dejó tu Padre Celestial al no soltarte en todo este tiempo. Fue difícil, pero estás aquí en el otro lado. ¡Y tu Padre te promete que seguirá estando contigo en el 2018 sin importar lo que este traiga! ¿Habrán momentos duros? Seguro que sí, pero no estarás solo, Él te seguirá sosteniendo de la manó, y puedes estar seguro que NADA hará que te suelte.

Christmas: A busy Innkeeper

One of the characters that was part of the first Christmas that makes me reflect the most is, without a doubt, the busy innkeeper. How many of us can identify with him!

This man had the chance of assisting and hosting Mary, who was about to give birth Jesus! (Luke 2:4-7), but he didn't do it for being immersed in his business, which looked like to go well.

What could've the innkeeper thought? Maybe he justified himself thinking: "Wow, God's blessing me a lot, I have the inn full! I cannot be irresponsible and neglect the guests He sent me because of the problems of one person", or maybe he just didn't realize of the urgent need of Joseph and Mary for being so focused on the things he had to do. Whichever might be the case, he lost his opportunity.

Matthew 25:31-46 teaches us that when we help others in need, we actually help Jesus Himself, and it is curious how Jesus, the birthday boy, passed unnoticed on the holidays for being so immersed in our own businesses.

As much as the material things like the presents, the decoration, the dinner, job, etc., as the no-material things like being away from the love ones or a member of the family isn't with us anymore, make us to turn our eyes from helping others to focus on ourselves. Our Heavenly Father may be giving us a chance to be blessed by blessing others (some even blessed angels - Hebrews 13:2), but we loose that opportunity when we only focus on our own needs.

I encourage you on this Christmas to be aware to someone else's needs, knowing that your Heavenly Father will be taking note that action of love (Hebrews 6:10) to reward you, and know as well, that you're going to be doing it for Jesus Himself.

Navidad: Un Mesonero ocupado

Uno de los personajes que participaron de la primera Navidad que más me hace reflexionar es, sin duda, el mesonero ocupado. ¡Cuántos nos podemos identificar con él!

¡Este hombre tuvo la oportunidad de asistir y hospedar a María, la cual estaba a punto de dar a luz a Jesús! (Lucas 2:4-7), pero no lo hizo porque estuvo sumergido en sus negocios, los cuales parecen que le iban bien.

¿Qué pudo haber pensado el mesonero? Quizás se justifico diciendo: "Wow, Dios me está bendiciendo mucho, ¡tengo el mesón llenó! No puedo ser irresponsable y descuidar estos huéspedes que Dios me envió por los problemas de solo una persona", o quizás simplemente ni siquiera se dio cuenta de la urgente necesidad de José y María por estar pensando en sus asuntos. Sea como sea, perdió su oportunidad.

Mateo 25:31-46 nos enseña que cuando ayudamos a otros en necesidad, en realidad ayudamos a Jesús mismo, y es curioso cómo Jesús, el dueño del cumpleaños, pasa muchas veces desapercibido en los tiempos navideños por estar tan sumergidos en nuestros propios asuntos. 

Tantos las cosas materiales como los regalos, la decoración, la cena, el tráfico, el trabajo, etc., como también las cosas no materiales como el estar separado de los seres queridos o el que algún familiar ya no esté, hacen que desviemos la mirada de ayudar a otros para concentrarnos en nosotros mismos. Nuestro Padre Celestial puede que esté dándonos una oportunidad de ser bendecidos al bendecir a alguien más (inclusive, dice la Biblia que algunos ha bendecido ángeles - Hebreos 13:2), pero dejamos pasar esa oportunidad cuando solo miramos nuestras necesidades.

Te animo a que en esta Navidad estés atento a las necesidades de otros, sabiendo que tu Padre Celestial estará anotando esa obra de amor por alguien más (Hebreos 6:10) para recompensarte, porque además, lo estarás haciendo a Jesús mismo.

miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017

Navidad - Vigilante y Expectante

No mucha gente celebró la primera Navidad. Es más, solo un pequeño grupo de personas pudo participar de ella: los pastores. ¿Por qué ellos? Yo creo porque ambos grupos tenían una característica en común: tenían expectativa.
Vemos en Lucas 2:8 que los pastores "velaban y guardaban las vigilias de las noches". El "velar y guardar" es un simbolismo de "estar atentos".

¿Estás diariamente vigilantes, atento y expectante a lo que tu Padre Celestial hace o cada día es simplemente "un día más" para ti?

Aquellos que consideran que cada día es simplemente "un día más", se pierden los milagros que ocurren todos los días, sólo están felices cuando ocurre "algo grande", están tan ensimismados en los quehaceres diarios que perdieron de vista la razón de tener esos quehaceres, y así, esas actividades se volvieron la finalidad de sus vidas, entonces, sin proponérselo, terminaron viviendo para su trabajo, para mantener la casa ordenada, para "hacer" y no para "disfrutar".

Pero los que están diariamente vigilantes tienen la expectativa que algo va a suceder, prestan atención a las pequeñas y diarias cosas de sus vidas porque piensan: "de lo pequeño Dios puede hacer algo grande", disfrutan cada momento porque no se quieren perder a su Padre Celestial en ese momento.

¡Cuántos religiosos, cuántas autoridades, cuántos buenos judíos se perdieron la primera Navidad, no estuvieron presentes en el nacimiento de Jesús porque estaban muy ocupados, por no estar expectantes que algo iba a pasar!

¡No pierdas la expectativa diaria que tu Padre Celestial está haciendo algo! ¡Abre los ojos y mira! ¡Desenfócate de lo que ocupa tu mente y enfócala en Él! ¡Deja de esperar el "gran milagro" y date cuenta que estás rodeado milagros!

lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

Anger problems? A glance to the inside

Sometimes I get angry. There are things that annoy me, from small things to big things. Sometimes I have taken that anger out on my own family, out on my wife and sons, and I have fallen into blaming them for that anger. Many years ago I corrected that mistake. 

Many say, "You made me angry," because they think that what that person did or said was what caused their anger. They are wrong. The anger was in them, and what that person did or said was their excuse for it to be manifested.

To take care of my family's heart, I have told them that they are not to blame for my reaction, my anger, that what they said or did did not make me angry, that with the years, I have allowed the anger to be in me and that I am the one who has to change. The fact that what they said or did was wrong does not justify my anger. What they did or said can be corrected without getting angry.

They didn't make me angry, I'm the only one responsible for it. To think that they have to stop doing or saying that in order for me not to get angry is merely a way of justifying myself and not taking responsibility for my anger.

When the prophet Nathan came to King David, he spoke to him with a little story. He told him that there was a man who had two sons, and they were so poor that their only possession was a little sheep which they raised as part of the family. There was also a very rich man, with thousands of sheep, who offered a feast to a visitor who came to him, but instead of taking one of his many sheep for food, he took the poor man's only little sheep.

When David heard that, the Bible says that his anger was kindled against that rich man and he said that he deserves to die and that he must pay the poor man with interest. At that moment, Nathan tells him, "You are that man" (2 Samuel 12:1-17).

Notice this: Everything that angered David was inside him. The only reason David was angry with the rich man was because he saw himself reflected in him. And the same happens with us.

Anger is just a way of expressing annoyance and/or disagreement with something. Other people express it differently: frustration, impatience, stress, despair, and they reflect it with unforgiveness, silent treatment, rudeness, yelling, hitting, etc.

So, the first step to being free from anger is, without a doubt, to RECOGNIZE THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING ANGRY.

Stop blaming your husband or wife, children, the government, what happened to you or what they did to you, your boss, some circumstance, etc., and start taking responsibility for yourself, for your own attitudes and reactions, and you will see that, little by little, as you learn to find the help you need in the presence of your heavenly Father and in His Word,  He'll start doing that work that you couldn't for years. Over time, you will no longer be affected by what used to bother you, and you may not even realize it when it happens. Gradually, others will notice and say, "You're different! How did you change?" and you can testify to what Jesus did in you.

I hope it helped you!

¿Problemas de enojo? Una mirada al interior

A veces me enojo. Hay cosas que me fastidian, desde cosas pequeñas hasta cosas grandes. A veces he descargado ese enojo en mi propia familia, con mi esposa y mis hijos, y he caído en echarles la culpa de ese enojo. Hace muchos años atrás corregí ese error.

Muchos dicen: "tú me hiciste enojar", porque piensan que lo que esa persona hizo o dijo fue lo que causó su enojo. Están equivocados. El enojo estaba en ellos, y lo que esa persona hizo o dijo fue su excusa para que fuera manifestado.

Para cuidar el corazón de mi familia, yo les he dicho que ellos no son los culpables de mi reacción, de mi enojo, que lo que dijeron o hicieron no hicieron que me enojara, sino que, con el pasar del tiempo, yo he permitido que el enojo esté en mí y que yo soy el que tengo que cambiar. El hecho que lo que dijeron o hicieron haya estado mal, no justifica mi enojo. Lo que hicieron o dijeron puede ser corregido sin necesidad de enojarme.

Ellos no me hicieron enojar, yo soy el único responsable de ello. El pensar que ellos tienen que dejar de hacer o decir aquello es una mera manera de justificarme a mí mismo y no asumir la responsabilidad de mi enojo.

Cuando el profeta Natan vino al rey David le habló con una pequeña historia. Le dijo que había un hombre que tenía dos hijos, y eran tan pobres que su única posesión era una pequeña ovejita la cual ellos criaron como parte de la familia. También había un hombre muy rico, con miles de ovejas, el cual ofreció una comida a una visita que le llegó, pero en lugar de tomar para su comida una de sus muchas ovejas, tomó la única ovejita del hombre pobre.

Cuando David escuchó eso, dice la Biblia que su ira se encendió contra ese hombre rico y dijo que merece morir y que debe pagar con intereses al hombre pobre. En ese momento, Natan le dice: "Tú eres ese hombre" (2 Samuel 12:1-17).

Date cuenta de esto: Todo lo que le enojó a David estaba dentro de élLa única razón por la que David se enojó con el hombre rico era porque se veía reflejado en él. Y lo mismo pasa con nosotros.

El enojo es solo una manera de expresar disconformidad, fastidio y/o desacuerdo con algo. Otras personas lo expresan de manera diferente: frustración, impaciencia, estrés, desesperación, molestia, y lo reflejan con falta de perdón, ley del hielo, rudeza, gritos, golpes, etc.

Así que, el primer paso para poder ser libre del enojo es, sin duda, RECONOCER QUE TÚ ERES EL ÚNICO RESPONSABLE QUE TE HAYAS ENOJADO.

Deja de echarle la culpa a tu esposo o esposa, hijos, al gobierno, a lo que te pasó o hicieron, a tu jefe, a alguna circunstancia, etc., y comienza a asumir responsabilidad de ti mismo, de tus propias actitudes y reacciones, y verás que, poco a poco, a medida que aprendes a encontrar la ayuda que necesitas en la presencia de tu Padre Celestial y en Su Palabra, Él empezará a hacer esa obra que tú no pudiste por años. Con el tiempo, ya no te afectará más lo que antes te molestaba, y quizás ni te des cuenta cuando suceda. Poco a poco, otros lo notarán y dirán: "¡Eres diferente! ¿cómo lograste cambiar?", y así podrás testificar lo que Jesús hizo en ti.

Espero te haya ayudado.

domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017

Christmas: The answer in form of a seed

What would you like to receive as an answer of your prayer if you're going through a serious illness? Well, I want a miracle!, that in a blink of an eye I may be healed! I think that's what you'd like to receive if you're as the rest of us, isn't it? But, what is what we normally receive? A process, a seed that we have to cultivate, something little that we have to take care of little by little.

The same happen if, for instance, you're going through a crisis in your marriage. All would want that, all of a sudden, everything may be solved, and already a the dream marriage. But, what is what we normally receive as an answer of our prayer? A process, a seed that has to be cultivated, something little that has to be taken care so it may grow little by little.

Being free from an addiction, from debts, having your family problems solve, etc., are normally prayers that our Heavenly Father answers but little by little, using the little we have in our hands, taking us through a process holding our hands, being faithful in little and receiving more every time, from glory to glory and from victory to victory.

What did our Father to save all humanity? Did He send Superman, Goku, Iroman, or an angel? No, He didn't. Our Father sent a baby. He was the Savior of the world but in form of a child. He was a seed that had to grow and go through a process. Our Savior was faithful in little and received more, and then He kept being faithful even to death and inherited eternal glory.

Maybe you are going through a difficult time in some area of your life and are praying for an answer. You know something, it's for sure that your Heavenly Father has already started to answer you, but because of that answer has "form of a baby", probably you didn't realize it, and maybe you're getting despaired and thinking that He hasn't heard you, but it wasn't so.

Open your eyes and see! Surely your answer is already around you! Quit waiting for that "miracle" and, rather, look for the seed of that miracle. Learn to find the extraordinary among the ordinary.

Do you believe that our Heavenly Father JUST STARTS doing something about your problem in the moment when you asks Him for help? In other words, if you don't ask for help, He didn't start doing something about it. Well, if you believed so, you are wrong! He already did something even since before the foundation of the earth, the way is already paved, NOTHING surprised Him! So, ask Him for help so you can see what He is doing, and wisdom and strength so you can go through this process toward your victory.

I hope this helped you =)

sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017

Navidad: La respuesta en forma de semilla

¿Qué es lo que te gustaría recibir como respuesta de oración si estás pasando por una grave enfermedad? Pues, ¡un milagro!, ¡que de repente, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, sea sanado! Creo que eso sería lo que te gustaría recibir si eres como la mayoría de nosotros, ¿no? Pero, ¿qué es lo que normalmente se recibe? Un proceso, una semilla que hay que cultivar, algo pequeño que tenemos que cuidar para que crezca de a pocos.

Lo mismo es si, por ejemplo, estás pasando por una crisis matrimonial. ¡Todos quisiéramos que, de repente, todo sea solucionado, y ya vivir ese matrimonio de ensueño! Pero, ¿qué es lo que normalmente se recibe como respuesta a nuestra oración? Un proceso, una semilla que hay que cultivar, algo pequeño que tenemos que cuidar para que crezca de a pocos.

Ser libre de una adicción, salir de esa deuda, que se solucione ese problema familiar, etc., normalmente son oraciones que nuestro Padre Celestial nos contesta pero de a pocos, utilizando lo poco que hay en nuestras manos, llevándonos de la mano a través de un proceso, siendo fieles en lo poco y recibiendo cada vez más, de gloria en gloria y de victoria en victoria.

¿Qué hizo nuestro Padre para salvar a toda la humanidad? ¿Envió a Superman, a Gokú, a Iroman, o algún ángel? No. Nuestro Padre envió a un bebé. Era el Salvador del mundo pero en forma de niño. Era una semilla que tenía que crecer y pasar por un proceso. Nuestro Salvador fue fiel en lo poco y se le dio más, y luego siguió siendo fiel hasta la muerte y heredó la gloria eterna.

Quizás estás pasando por un momento difícil en algún área de tu vida y estás orando por una solución. Sabes, lo más probable es que tu Padre Celestial ya ha comenzado a contestarte, pero como esa respuesta tiene "forma de bebé", seguro que no te has dado cuenta, y quizás te estás desesperando y pensando que Él no te ha escuchado. Pero no fue así.

¡Abre los ojos y mira! ¡Más que seguro que la respuesta ya está a tu alrededor! Deja de esperar ese "milagro", y busca, más bien, la semilla de ese milagro. Aprende a buscar lo extraordinario en lo ordinario.

¿Tú crees que nuestro Padre Celestial RECIÉN hace algo al respecto cuando le pides ayuda? Si crees eso, ¡te equivocas! ¡Él ya hizo algo desde antes de la fundación del mundo, el camino ya está preparado, NADA lo sorprende! Pídele ayuda para que puedas ver lo que Él ya está haciendo, y sabiduría y fuerzas para pasar por ese proceso hacia tu victoria.

¡Espero te haya ayudado!

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

Please, pray with me for my country Peru

Father, bless my Peru. I pray for your unmerited favor over this land, over each Peruvian, but specially, over each of your sons and daughters that in these moments are lifting their faces to You with faith that they may receive the help that they need to go through this time of uncertainty and disappointment.

Give us the strength so we may decide to quit putting our trust and expectancy on our governors and authorities, and to start putting it on You alone, as always should have been. We take responsibility of being disappointment, because we are aware that disappointment comes when we received less than we expected, and we recognize that it was our mistake to expect from them what we always had to expect from You. We decide to put our trust no longer on a man or woman, but only on You.

We decide that peace, joy, the opportunities, the hope for a good future and the certainty that the best is yet to come, we no longer expect them from our authorities, but from You. You're our joy and peace! You open the door for us for the opportunities that we need! We believe that with You, nothing is never lost, but everything is getting better every time, from glory to glory, from victory to victory! We believe that with the little that we're able to give to You, You're able to do much!

We pray that You may turn into something good all this time of instability. You didn't send this evil of corruption, but we know that with You all things work together for good. We pray so that all of us may learn our lesson and take with responsibility and seriousness the next times that we'll have to go to vote to elect our authorities, not by only getting well informed, but also by asking You for wisdom to elect wisely.

We pray so that corruption may completely fall, that the light may illuminate in the darkness so that those selfish acts that have been done secretly to rob everybody's resources, might be exposed. We ask You that that won't happen again, that might be angels protecting what belongs to all Peruvians, that corrupters may be discovered and stopped before they fulfill their plans to steal. We pray that fear invades their hearts so they won't dare to take for themselves what belongs to all of us, that they might be unease until they desist to do those misdeeds, that their consciences won't le them be in peace, so that they decide stop their wickedness.

Heavenly Father, we ask You to put in our governors the conscience that the office they're on is holy because is designed to serve millions of people. We ask that they may realize the fact that their decisions affect so many people it's a privilege that not many people have. We pray for the conviction of being there to serve may be very real in them and that they may take it with responsibility, honesty, sacrifice and dedication. Bless them with the wisdom they need in every step they take. Bless their families and personal lives, and let them know that You rewarded them for their service.

Father, we decide to quit complaining, but to take responsibility from where we are. As your children, we decide to pray for them so that You may cover them constantly from all temptation and that they may be filled with guidance to execute their office with excellence. Speak to us Father, tell us the ways to contribute to form a better Peru, that we may not expect to receive a better Peru, but being, from now on, builders of it.

Thanks because we know that You hears us, that You're with us and that You will never leave us, and because of it, we know that we are going to go through this We will be in the other side, and we'll be stronger, wiser, better persons, better Peruvians and better Christians.


Acompáñame a orar por nuestro Perú

Padre, bendice a mi Perú. Oro por tu favor inmerecido sobre esta tierra, sobre cada peruano, pero en especial, sobre cada uno de tus hijos que en estos momentos están levantando sus rostros hacia Ti con la fe de poder recibir esa ayuda que necesitan para pasar este momento de incertidumbre y desilusión.

Danos la fortaleza para poder decidir dejar de poner nuestra confianza y expectativa en nuestros gobernantes y autoridades, y comenzar a ponerla solo en Ti, como siempre debió haber sido. Asumimos la responsabilidad de esta desilusión, porque somos conscientes que uno se desilusiona cuando se recibe menos de lo esperado, y reconocemos que fue nuestro error esperar de ellos lo que siempre debimos esperar de Ti. Decidimos no volver a poner nuestra confianza en el hombre, sino solo en Ti.

Decidimos que la paz, el gozo, las oportunidades, la esperanza de un buen futuro y la certeza que lo mejor está por venir, ya no lo esperaremos de nuestras autoridades, sino de Ti. ¡Tú eres nuestro gozo y nuestra paz! ¡Tú nos abres las puertas para las oportunidades que necesitamos! ¡Creemos que contigo nunca nada está perdido, sino que todo va en constante mejora, de gloria en gloria, de victoria en victoria! ¡Creemos que con lo poco que te podemos dar, Tú puedes hacer mucho!

Oramos para que puedas tornar en algo bueno todo este tiempo de desestabilidad. Tú no enviaste este mal de la corrupción, pero sabemos que contigo TODO ayuda a bien. Oramos para que todos podamos aprender nuestra lección y tomar con seriedad y responsabilidad las próximas veces que tengamos que ir elegir a nuestros gobernantes, no solo informándonos bien, sino pidiéndote sabiduría para elegir correctamente. Y, sobre aquellas autoridades que no son elegidas por nosotros, como lo son los jueces, fiscales y otros, te pedimos que un temor caiga en aquellos sobre quienes está la responsabilidad de elegirlos, para que no se atrevan a hacerlo de manera egoísta, buscando el beneficio propio, sino el de todos los peruanos.

Oramos para que la corrupción caiga completamente, que la luz brille en la oscuridad y sean develados aquellos actos egoístas que se hicieron a escondidas robando los recursos de todos. Te pedimos que no vuelva a suceder, que hayan ángeles protegiendo lo que pertenece a todos los peruanos, que sean descubiertos y detenidos antes que se lleven a cabo aquellos planes de hurto. Oramos para que sus corazones se llenen de temor para que no se atrevan a tomar para sí lo que nos pertenece a todos, que sientan miedo de hacerlo, que se encuentren intranquilos hasta que desistan en realizar aquellas fechorías, que sus conciencias no los dejen tranquilos para que, de esta manera, decidan detener su maldad.

Padre, te pedimos para pongas en nuestras autoridades esa conciencia de que el cargo que tienen es un cargo santo porque está designado para servir a millones de personas. Que se den cuenta que es un privilegio que no muchos tienen que sus decisiones puedan afectar a tantas vidas. Oramos que esa convicción de que están ahí para servir sea muy real en ellos y lo tomen con responsabilidad, honestidad, sacrificio y entrega. Bendícelos con la sabiduría que ellos necesitan en cada paso que den. Bendice sus familias y vidas personales, y que sepan que Tú les recompensaste por sus servicios.

Padre, decidimos dejar de quejarnos y asumir la responsabilidad desde donde estamos. Como hijos tuyos, decidimos orar por ellos para que los cubras constantemente de toda tentación y que sean llenados de tu dirección para que desempeñen sus puestos con excelencia. ¡Háblanos Padre, dinos la maneras de cómo podemos contribuir a formar en mejor Perú, para no esperar que se nos dé un mejor Perú, sino ser, desde ya, formadores de él!

Gracias porque sabemos que Tú nos oyes, que estás con nosotros y que nunca nos abandonarás, y sabemos por ello que nosotros atravesaremos por todo esto, llegaremos al otro lado, y seremos más fuertes, más sabios, mejores personas, mejores peruanos y mejores cristianos.


lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

If you love your spouse, do not demand

If we read: "Love doesn't demand. Love gives. If someone demands you to prove your love, that person doesn't love you", immediately we think of that guy that manipulates his girlfriend to have sex if she really loves him. (Mental note: shame to him!)

Here I give you some other ways to manipulate which go unnoticed because they're not the most common case, but they are also ways to manipulate your spouse:
- If you love me, have dinner ready for me when I get home.
- If you love me, keep the house clean.
- If you love me, let's go out together at least once a week.
- If you love me, buy me what I want.
- If you love me, be more romantic.
- If you love me, dress as I want.
- If you love me, let's go to church.
- If you love me, read more your Bible.
- If you love me, etc.
Why don't you share other way to demand love that you've seen!

SOMETIMES WE UNCONSCIOUSLY DEMAND TO PROVE THEIR LOVE, and we do that not with our words but with our attitudes: we get moody, offended, we practice the ice law, we become rough, rude, etc. All of this happen if they fail to prove their love we expect.

As you may realized, the things that are demanded aren't bad, but this very fact is what make us think that we're right on demanding them. But this is a mistake. The fact that those things are right, don't make that demanding them to be right.

You can demand obedience to your children up to certain age. But once they grow and want to know the reason before to obey, you'd better know that reason!

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 in all the versions you want, and I promise that you won't find this: "Love demands". On the contrary, verse 5 says: "Love doesn't seek its own".

So, what can we do to make them change? Well, what would you say to that guy that demands his girlfriend to have sex to prove her love? (Besides that to stay away from her!) "If you really love that woman, learn to wait". In other words, deny yourself for other person.

Renouncing to that desire for love for your spouse giving it to your Heavenly Father is the best way for you to get free of that constant inner dissatisfaction in which you live for not seeing your desire coming true. When you understand that your happiness has to be based on the fact that God is with you and not on that your desires come true, you'll start living in freedom

That desire of demanding your spouse, if you give it to your Heavenly Father, He can calm it down, appease it, and even take it away from you. And not only that, but He can help you to really love because He is love!

Of course that you can apply this principle with your friends, relatives, etc.

Why don't you share this to someone, but not so that that person may change, but to tell him/her: "Look, this made me reflect. I will ask for help to my Heavenly Father so that I may change" 😉

I hope this helped you! =)

domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

Don't criticize your spouse. Highlighting the good things is better!

Point out the good things to others as you want others to point out your good things." That would be the Golden Rule paraphrased.

Who doesn't like others to point out one's good things? I think that everybody likes it! The problem is that we normally criticize more than to point the good things out.

Most people focus on effectiveness, and they think that by criticizing, telling somebody off and just pointing out the problem, they make that the problem to be corrected. Big mistake!

The husband focuses on the problem when he says to his wife: "Why are you late all the time! I'm sick and tired that the house is a mess! You just demand things from me all the time!", etc. And the wife focuses on the problem when she says to her husband: "You never pay attention to me! You are good for nothing! You're not romantic at all!", etc.

Are those problems for real? Yes, they are. Do they have to be solved? Yer, they do. But that's not the way.

Maybe your spouse isn't good doing that because that's not his/her natural ability, maybe nobody taught him/her or maybe she/he lacks motivation. Regardless the cause, pointing out the bad things won't help him/her to change.

When you highlight a text in a book, what is the first thing you see next time you open that book in that page? The first thing you see is what you highlighted! It happen the same with your spouse. If you just highlight his/her bad things, the first thing you'll see in him/her will be the bad things! But, if you highlight her/his good things, the first things you'll see in him/her will be the good things!

So then, if you learn to focus on your spouse's good things rather than the bad things, and then you highlight those good things rather than the bad things, soon you will be enjoying a very much better marriage!

Constantly tell your spouse the good things he/she does! Don't wait for him/her to do a big feat for doing it! HIGHLIGHT TO HIM/HER THE LITTLE THINGS THAT HE/SHE DOES WELL ON A DAYLI BASIS! That's the best way to help him/her to change!

"Your food is so delicious! You're so neat! You clean so good! I'm so glad you've got home! You're so beautiful! I just love watching you playing with the kids! Thank you for being with me! You're a great man! You're a great woman! Thanks for exerting yourself for us!", etc. And if you say these things publicly, oh yeah!, get ready for a good reward!

Of course that you can apply this principle with your friends, employees, coworkers, etc. Get the habit of adding with your words value and life to the people around you. Make them feel good around you.

Hope this helped you!

miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

"I am corrupt, but not so much"

If I have in a recipient 95 red balls and 5 white ones, and if I randomly take one, what ball is most probable that I take, red or white? Obviously, a red one!

That's how I like to explain why is that there is so much corruption in our authorities.

Our authorities hasn't always been authorities, but they once were part of the people (and they'll return to the people!). Why, then, there is so much corruption in our authorities? Because we, the people, are the ones that carry that corruption.

They didn't become corrupt when they became an authority. No. That corruption has always been there, and then it manifested in the form we see it in the news.

Maybe the Peruvian people didn't change the contract for the Lima's public transportation, but they do try to bribe the police officer to not get a ticket. Maybe the Peruvian people didn't accept a 20 millions dollars bribe to build a useless highway in the middle of nowhere, but they do steal the TV cable signal. Maybe the Peruvian people didn't steal the donations destined to the damaged people by the earthquake, but they do buy stolen or pirated stuff because it's cheaper. Maybe most of the Peruvian people can't make fun the Peruvian authorities by not returning to Peru to give explanations of their illegal acts, but they do make fun traffic laws.

Etcetera, etcetera y etcetera.

Corruption is, by definition, the alteration of the norm or the structure of something. In this case, of the Peruvian laws. And always is SEEKING THEIR OWN BENEFIT.

Either that those authorities have been democratically elected, called or got their public service position by running for it, all the authorities came from the people. So, if most of the people is corrupt, what chance do we have to get a honest and wanting-to-serve authority?

Our "recipient", Peru, has "95 balls of corruption", that's to say, most have corruption in their hearts. This is not a problem that started nowadays, but long ago. Almost 200 years ago Simón Bolívar denounced this in a letter:

"One of the main causes for the disasters of the Republic,
has been the scandalous squandering of
their funds..." - Simón Bolívar, 1824.

I'm not saying that I'm not agree that the corrupts have to go to a trial. I'm just pointing out the indignation that many manifest at seeing the corruption. They condemn the corruption as if they were free from it. They scandalize as if corruption was something new, when, on the contrary, it has been very permitted in them for long time. They are saying without realizing: "I am corrupt, but not so much!", or "a little bit of corruption is OK, but not too much!"

AS LONG AS WE DON'T CHANGE, DO NOT EXPECT FOR AUTHORITIES TO CHANGE. Our authorities must not change in order for us to change. It's the other way around. When we change, they will change, because they come from us.

If you're one those that think that complaining about that guy disrespecting Christian Cueva recording themselves while he insulted him for missing a penalty is worrying about nonsenses when there are more important problems in Peru, you haven't understood the real problem of Peru. There are a looooot of guys like him, without any respect for anybody else, and like that get to be in authority.

When current corrupted authorities weren't in authority yet, surely that their regular lifestyle evade taxes, running red lights, buying stolen stuff, steal wifi, cheating their clients by not giving them the best, etc.

And it's very likely that if your lifestyle is so, if you get to be in authority, you'll be one more corrupted.

That's why, if you are ONLY sick and tired of our authorities's corruption but not so of the lack of respect we see in daily basis life, if the current corruption problem we see in our authorities is solved, sooner or later new corrupted authorities will appear again.

Peru has more than 30 million problems. One of those problems concerns me. One of those problems concerns you. When you and I change, Peru will change. Not before.

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

Social Networks: "Excuse me, did you say something?"

We are already in the social networks era. Many are thankful for this, some are complaining and there are others that just don't know when to stop using them. Which is your group?

I'm not agree to those that complain about them saying: "There are people that even post their food! I mean, don't they have more important things to post?" I think that these people don't get the idea of what a social network really is. For example, if you are hanging out with your friends, is it really necessary to talk only about very important things? Can't you talk about the daily things of life? Well, a social network is like that gathering, but online. So, if you see somebody that posts something that you don't like, you're free to talk or not about that, but please, don't get angry!, and much less, don't share your anger to the group of people that do like that post!

I'm not agree either with those that ignore people that are physically present because are all the time on their phone checking their social networks. If you are with family at dinner time (to throw an example), your family around you is already your social network. So, put away your cellphone and talk to them, partake of the reunion, you are part of them! Not to talk to them because you're checking your cellphone it is not right. If you want, take a picture of your food and a selfie with them, but to post those photos in that very moment and to answer all the comments of those photos, I think it's too much. That's is ignoring your family, and examples like that are the ones that people that are complaining all the time take to generalize saying that social networks destroy your family, that they have formed a zombie generation, etc.

The social network hasn't destroyed your family. The lack of self control of the person to have balance, did.

The Bible says that there is time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). When we do things out of their time, there are problems. But if you look for the help of your Heavenly Father, He will strengthen you  so you can do things in their proper time, and you won't be impatient nor in despair, and you will learn to enjoy the moment.

lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

Christmas: Joy in the middle of trouble

Rulers only being worried for themselves, sitting in their offices to get rich instead of serving the people. The breach between the rich and poor is getting bigger every time, feeding the resentment, the bitterness and the despair. Violence is found as to daily bread, and sicknesses are attacking making no distinction of people.

Just in case, I'm not describing the actual situation of many countries nowadays, but the situation of the Jews people of thousand years ago when Jesus was born.

It was in that situation that the angels announced: "Fear not, because I give news of great joy which will be to all people, for there is born to you this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11)

I want you to see this: For our Heavenly Father, this news would produce joy in the middle of troubles. And, since God doesn't change, but remains the same, this news, if you receive it, will produce in you too joy in the middle of your troubles.

Christmas is about Jesus. He was born to give joy and peace. He doesn't give it to us as the world does, so do not be afraid (John 14:27). How does the world give peace? It offers peace and joy as long as everything is OK. If everything is not OK, there is no peace and joy. Jesus doesn't give it in that way. Jesus gives you peace and joy even in the middle of trouble because that peace and joy will be Him, your Heavenly Father.

Receive this message of Christmas and enjoy that peace and joy which nobody else will ever be able to offer!

Navidad: Gozo en medio de las dificultades

Los gobernantes solo preocupándose por ellos mismos, sentados en sus cargos para enriquecerse en lugar de servir al pueblo. Cada vez más se acentúa la diferencia entre los tienen y los que no tienen, alimentando el resentimiento, la amargura y la desesperación. La violencia se encuentra como pan de cada día, y las enfermedades atacando sin hacer distinción de clases.

Por si acaso, no estoy describiendo la situación de hoy en día de muchos países, sino la del pueblo Judío de hace dos mil años cuando nació Jesús.

Fue en esa situación que los ángeles anunciaron: "No temas, porque les doy noticias de gran gozo, que será para todo el pueblo, que les ha nacido un Salvador, que es Cristo el Señor." (Lucas 2:10-11)

Quiero que te des cuenta de esto: Que para nuestro Padre Celestial, esta noticia provocaría gozo en medio de esas dificultades. Y, ya que Dios no cambia, sino que sigue siendo el mismo, esta noticia, si la recibes, provocará en ti gozo en medio de las dificultades.

Navidad es Jesús. Él nació para darnos gozo y paz. Él no la da como el mundo la da, así que no tengas miedo (Juan 14:27). ¿Cómo la da el mundo? El mundo ofrece gozo y paz siempre cuando todo salga bien. Si las cosas no salen como uno quiere, no hay paz ni gozo. Jesús no la ofrece así. Jesús te da paz y gozo aun medio de las dificultades porque esa paz y gozo será Él, tu Padre Celestial.

¡Recibe este mensaje de Navidad y disfruta de esa y paz y gozo que nadie más te podrá ofrecer!

sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2017

Redes Sociales: "Disculpa, ¿decías algo?"

Estamos ya en la era de las redes sociales. Muchos dan gracias por ellas, hay otros que se quejan de ellas y hay otros que no saben cuándo dejar de usarlas. ¿A qué grupo perteneces?

No estoy de acuerdo con aquellos que se quejan de ellas diciendo: "¡Hay gente que hasta su comida la postea! ¿No tienen cosas más importantes qué postear?" Creo que estas personas no entienden la idea de lo que es una red social. Si vas a una reunión de amigos, ¿acaso es necesario que sólo se hable de cosas muy importantes? ¿Acaso no se puede hablar de las cosas cotidianas de la vida? Bueno, una red social es como esa reunión, pero online. Así que, si ves que alguien que postea algo que no te gusta, tienes la libertad de conversar de ello o no, pero por favor, ¡no te enojes!, y muchos menos, ¡no hagas partícipe de tu enojo al grupo de personas que sí les interesa ese post!

Tampoco estoy de acuerdo con el extremo de algunos que ignoran a personas presentes porque paran revisando sus redes sociales. Si estás sentado a la mesa con tu familia (por poner un ejemplo), tu familia alrededor tuyo es ya tu reunion social. Deja de lado tu celular y conversa con ellos, participa, ¡eres parte de ellos! No conversar con ellos porque estás pendiente de tu celular sí es de mal gusto. Si quieres, toma una foto a la comida y tómense un selfie, pero el colgar las fotos en ese momento y responder a todos los mensajes que te mandan sobre esas fotos, creo que ya es demasiado. Eso es ignorar a tu familia, y de eso se cuelgan los que se paran quejando para generalizar diciendo que las redes sociales destruyen a la familia, que han formado una generación zombie, etc.

La red social no ha destruido la familia. Fue la falta de fuerza de voluntad de la persona para tener balance.

La Biblia dice que hay tiempo para todo (Eclesiastés 3:1-8). Cuando hacemos cosas que no corresponden a su tiempo, hay problemas. Pero si buscas la ayuda de tu Padre Celestial, Él te ayudará para tener la fortaleza para poder hacer las cosas a su tiempo, a no desesperarte, a tener paciencia y a aprender a disfrutar el momento.

Rest from yourself

When you live in the Law, you are heavy laden, stressful and worried, and this happens because in the Law you depend on your own strength and merits for your success. But when you live in the Grace of Jesus, you live rested all the time because you don't depend on what you can get by your own, but you trust that what Jesus won is yours too. Grace is better!

Jacob was trusting on his own strength to fix his life, to escape from his past and from the consequences of his actions. In spite of being Abraham's grandson and Isaac's son, God's men in that time, he felt unworthy that God was with him because of the things he's done. But God was with him, the problem was that he didn't know that and he didn't feel worthy of it!, and we know this because we see that when Jacob decided to take a rest when he was running from his brother, he took a rock as pillow, lay down, and had a dream: open heaven above him with a ladder wherein angels were going up and down, and then God, besides of confirming to Jacob the same covenant made to his father and grandfather, He speaks to his heart saying: "I am with you" (Genesis 28:15).

I think that it was there when Jacob's heart healing started. I imagine him crying saying: "But God, how can you love me if I hurt people, I deceive them, I seek my own benefit, I'm known as an usurper, I lied to my own family. Lord, I'm not worthy that you are with me." And I believe that those words kept ministering Jacob: "In spite of your bad behavior, I love you, I am with you." Wow!

Now, in what moment did Jacob receive that revelation? When he decided to rest! That's the secret: you have to rest from yourself, from trying by your own to win God's and people's approval, from trying to be worthy to be called His son. REST!

If you labor and are heavy laden, come to Jesus and rest. In Him you'll find the rest that your soul needs (Matthew 11:28-29). Jesus didn't come to give a to-do list to win His favor, but He wants to teach you that He already won it for you. Your attitude won't be anymore: I have to win the blessings of God, but it will be: I will go to take what Jesus gave away.

Jacob thought he was running from his problems, but he wasn't running from his true problem: himself, the innate trying to win things. Besides, most assuredly he thought he was running from God too, but God never abandoned him, but Jacob didn't realize that. Jacob just closed his eyes, and behold, God was there.